Another quick post, and a tip of the hat to the New Year.
I'm sure I've raved about it already in a past post, namely, that I'm a huge fan of the UT-210E Clamp Meter. I bought my 1st (of 3) around about 2015, well before the dirty little secret of how capable they were became common knowledge. As a result, at the time, they were cheap - my first cost just €20 & change!!! This is the meter pictured below, along with the original, broken LCD.
This damage came about as a result of my throwing in disgust a DC power monitor that I had just bought, in the meter's general direction, when I discovered what a piece of shit it was. Unfortunately, it came housed in a hefty anodised aluminium case, so was akin to whacking the meter with a hammer!
On realising what had transpired, my second impulse was to toss the meter in the rubbish bin - I had already realised my first impulse - to take an actual hammer to the offending power monitor! After a cooling-off period, I went scouring the internet for a replacement LCD, and after failing in that pursuit, I figured the only recourse left was to order a replacement UT-210E, this time priced €30-something. The broken one I boxed for posterity.
That was 5-6 years ago. In the interim, I had purchased my third UT-210E, though at a much inflated price, in the region of €45-50. More time passed, right up to about 2 months ago in fact, and while perusing the web, came across Sellers asking €62-€65 for the same meter, which got me wondering if anyone was now selling LCD's for a meter that was now costing 3 times what I had originally paid for it. Lo And Behold, there was - UNI-T themselves, as it turned out - and for €20.48 to be precise - I jumped at the chance!!!
Probably the most satisfying €20 I've ever spent - yeah, I like my UT-210E's.
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